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Hosting a tournament


The ultimate tournament app is currently in beta status. Especially features for hosting a tournament are not fully functional and intuitive. Because of that, hosting a tournament is not open to everyone yet. If you want to host your own tournament join our Discord and follow the steps described in #rules. Feel free to ask for help. We are happy to support you to get your tournament up and running.


Create a tournament by pressing the button on the front page. By default, you are the only person that can change any of the tournaments divisions, teams or settings. Other persons can enter points and finish games, if you do not change the corresponding setting in User & Permissions.

Divisions & Teams

Each tournament consists of one or more divisions. Each division consists of two or more teams. Each team is assigned to exactly one division. Teams assigned to different divisions play independently and can never meet each other in the tournament. Each division gets its own tournament bracket.

Navigate to 1. Divisions & Teams to create/edit/remove divisions and teams.

Divisions can be created by clicking Add Division.

Teams can be created by clicking on Add team. Separated by line breaks, multiple teams can be created at once. Feel free to add emojis to your team names. For international tournaments, flag emojis are recommended.

You can edit division and team names at any point. If you do not know some of the team names, just use placeholders for now and edit them later by clicking on the team and on Edit team.

Create games


You cannot change team count or brackets after you generated games for a specific division. The only way to change it, is to delete all games, make the changes and generate games again. This will change in the future.

Start by navigating to 2. Generate games and expanding the settings tile. You need to create a bracket for every division you created in the previous step.

Bracket generator

You can create and combine different types of elements as you wish. Available elements are Pool stages, Swiss draw stages, Elimination stages and Nested stages (not yet implemented). Each stage has a certain amount of input and output teams. When your tournament bracket is empty, every team will be placed according to their initial seeding. You obviously do not want that, so you have to customize the brackets in between. You can do that by choosing any of the output elements and assign custom brackets to it.

As you add, edit and remove elements, the values for games per team and total games at the top of the screen will change. Those values can help you choose the best combination of brackets for your needs.

Elimination stage

An elimination stage only accepts an even number of input teams and combines the teams into pairs that will face each other. First and last, second and second-to-last, et cetera. All winning teams will be in the upper half of the output teams. All losing teams will be in the bottom half.

Group stage

A group stage splits the input teams in a customizable amount of groups. By default, in each group every team will face every other team. You can modify this behavious by editing the group and add/remove rounds.

Swiss draw stage

Swiss draw stages are basically group stages with only one game per team. When the team size is odd, the internal logic makes sure, that every round one team receives a "bye". A bye means, that the receiving team gets paired with a not existing team and wins their game 1:0.

Assign Teams to initial bracket positions


This function is very rudimentary and will be completely overhauled in the future

You can switch the initial positions of teams by scrolling to the bottom, selecting two teams that should be switched and hit Switch [X] and [Y].


Every game can be assigned to a specific field. Fields can be located on the interactive overview map and display the game, including live scores, that is currently played on this field.

Create fields by navigating to 3. Fields and clicking Add field. Separated by line breaks, multiple fields can be created at once.

Schedule games

Navigate to 4. Schedule to assign games to a unique combinations of timeslots and fields. First, add your time constraints by clicking the +-Button. All your generated games will be displayed in the top container by default. This container holds all games that are currently unscheduled. Roughly schedule your games by assigning them to a specific day, you created in the previous step.